Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice
Has a New Home
We are sharing space at the Communications Workers of America Local 4009 hall, 17233 West 10 Mile Road, Southfield 48075.
The office will have a supply of ROC’s One Fair Wage petitions to put a proposal on the 2018 state ballot to raise Michigan's minimum wage to $12 for all workers, including tipped workers.
You can pick up petitions to collect signatures at your next membership meeting, block club gathering, or whatever to help put economic fairness in the ballot. SEMJWJ’s One Fair Wage brochures also available at:
Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice
Office hours: Thursdays, 11 am to 3 pm
(We also have Earned Paid Sick Time petitions available from Mothering Justice.)
Call Helena Scott, SEMJWJ organizer at 313-720-2510 to make other arrangements for petition pickup.