
Justice Struggles Everywhere

Many struggles for social and economic justice never even get a mention in the corporate media. In this "Links-Justice Struggles" section of our Web site, Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice connects you to real people in real struggles. We urge you to stay tuned and give them your support.

Take Action!

Click on address below to let us know you will BE THERE at the Black Friday (Nov. 27) action at the Dearborn Walmart to continue the Fight for $15 and the Right to Join a Union.




Millions of hardworking minimum wage earners in our country feel like they’re working harder than ever while seeing their paychecks count for less and less.

This is not an illusion. Since 1968, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by 50%, while labor productivity more than doubled.

It’s gotten so bad that a full-time minimum wage employee with a family of three earns 21% below the Federal poverty line. Sam, no one who works full time should live in poverty.

That’s why Senator Bernie Sanders and I introduced the Pay Workers a Living Wage Act to raise the Federal Minimum Wage from $7.25 to $15.
Employees of the wealthiest companies in the world should not have to choose between paying their bills and feeding their children. It is immoral and un-American.

By raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next several years, the Pay Workers a Living Wage Act would provide much needed relief for 53 million Americans.

Join us and sign on as a Citizen Co-Sponsor today.


Thank you,
Rep. Keith Ellison, (D-MN)

Help put homeless veterans to work and create good-paying manufacturing jobs in Detroit. Help "Boots on the Ground" get started.


Fight For $15 National Strike Day. For more information, click on:


D-15, the Detroit organizing committee for "$15 and a Union," wants to know if you will BE THERE with them on Nov. 10 to support the National $15 Strike Day on behalf of the 42% of Americans who make less than $15 an hour. Please let them know. Thank you.
