Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Make Government Work Tool Kit #4 - Page 2 of 2

Check out Page 1 of 2 here

What's "Make Government Work" All About?

With 75% of Americans distrusting the federal government, any progressive issue which depends on governmental action is faced with an uphill battle. In the midst of the progressive era of politics, for comparison, only 22% of Americans distrusted the federal government in 1964.

The heyday for America’s workers generally is considered to be from 1945 to 1976. That's when the American Dream became reality for tens of millions of working-class Americans, except for those in inner cities, Appalachia, the Deep South and corporate agricultural fields.

Two factors contributed most for this broad prosperity when many workers on a 40-hour work week could support a family of four, send their kids to college and provide for a secure retirement.They are (1) Strong unions and (2) A government that worked for the 99%, not just the 1%.

So what might explain why the lives of our working-class has declined since 1976? Mainly, (1) the decline of union membership, and (2) the shift to conservative government policies.

The conservatives' model for success - free markets, small government and pursuit of individual self-interest – had its chance to work for the 99%, but it's failed miserably. So what keeps them in power?

Conservatives have offered a powerful narrative explaining what's wrong with America that millions of white working-class voters have accepted. For 40 years, Americans have received a steady diet of right-wing messaging of how government is incompetent, wastes tax dollars, threatens freedom and,in the end, makes no difference in people's lives. So why vote if it's a waste of time? And why vote for progressives who want to give that bad government more power?

Progressives are long overdue in offering our narrative for what happened to the American Dream, sharing our vision for America, and showing how progressive values, as expressed by the New Deal ad Great Society, are American values.

Find out more about Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice's "Make Government Work" Project by emailing us at:  makegovernmentwork2016@gmail.com