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Make Government Work Forum #4 coming up 10:00 am to noon, Saturday, July 16 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Activities Building 3451 Rivard St., Detroit (South of Mack Ave. and east of Chrysler Exp./I-75) North of Eastern Market.
The 2016 Presidential election is important because it is about what kind of country we will be and what values will determine government policy and budget decisions. Thanks to the 90-plus people who helped make the Feb. 6 "Make Government Work" Forum so successful. It was a very diverse audience, by union, community, age, gender and race. Activists came from Peace Action, UAW Locals 600, 1781, 898, 228, 1700, 869, 174, 163, and 909, Dearborn Democratic Party, Democratic Socialists of America, D-15 (The $15 and a Union movement), Retirees for Single Payer Health Care, MichUHCAN, American Federation of Teachers, AFT-AAUP, Metro Detroit AFL-CIO, Michigan Nurses Association, Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance, Our Walmart Alliance, Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice, UAW Region 1A Retirees Council, Michigan Alliance to Save Social Security and Medicare, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Marygrove College, A. Philip Randolph Institute, Swords Into Plowshares, UAW-GM Department, Coalition of Labor Union Women, Michigan Labor History Society, Michigan Universalist Unitarian Social Justice Network, and University of Michigan-Dearborn's Center for Labor and Community Studies. If we overlooked any group, please let us know. To find out more about the Make Government Work Project, click on makegovernmentwork2016@gmail.com Also, to keep in touch with what else is goin' on in Southeast Michigan, click on http://detroit.activatehub.org/ |
Is Not a Business.
Running It Like One.
the Republican debate in Detroit March 3, GOP candidates will be recalling the
spirit of President Ronald Reagan who proclaimed, “Government is
not the solution to your problems. It is the problem.”
decades now, we have been hammered with this anti-government
messaging and lived under the tyranny of anti-government governing.
Detroit, Flint, Highland Park, Pontiac and other Michigan cities, we
know first hand what we get when government is run by politicians
who hate government – A government people hate.
Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder showed his contempt for democracy and
local autonomy by running government like a business.
does running government like a business look like?
- Top-down, undemocratic rule, like a CEO unelected and unaccountable to the people
- Secrecy, out of the scrutiny of the public eye and the media
- Operating with the Bottom Line as the only consideration worth considering and ignoring public health and the real desires and needs of people.
the Fox Theater March 3, Detroiters will be saying we disagree with the
conservative Republicans' hatred of government.
say democratically-elected government is the very tool we need to
solve the problems we face:
- stagnating incomes
- unsafe and unaffordable water
- emergency management
- suppression of our right to vote
- denial of a workers' right to join a union without fear of retribution
- police violence and inequality
get the differences straight: Business is about maximizing private
profit for stockholders.
is about maximizing fairness and justice for all.
are sick and tired of government of the corporation, by the
corporation and for the corporation.
government like a business clearly does not work. It does not
“promote the General Welfare,” as the writers of our Constitution
understood government's role to be.
It's time
to restore government of the people, by the people and for the
Join the
Republican Debate Protest
March 3, 7:00 PM
Theater, 2211 Woodward, Detroit 48201