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Why join? Ask our affiliates...
Southeast Michigan Jobs with Justice is there for workers when it counts most. This is what people say about us...
As an affiliate member of SEMJWJ, the Detroit Federation of Musicians, Local 5 absolutely got a lot for the price of membership. Bill Bryce and his crew were ALWAYS there for us during the bitter 6 month long Detroit Symphony Strike. In addition to walking the picket lines JWJ and Local 5 developed strategies including a corporate campaign. The Detroit Chapter under Bill's leadership had connections to valuable big time labor resources. Do yourself and your members a favor and join SEMJWJ.
- Gordon Stump president Detroit Federation of Musicians, Local 5 "Home of the Pro's"
Joining Jobs with Justice is one of the best decisions you can make. JWJ's activist network, deep relationships in labor and community struggles, and unwavering commitment to worker justice and solidarity were a powerful support in the Justice at Andiamo campaign.